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Dental Veneers Edmonton

Dental Veneers are a layer of porcelain material placed over your teeth to improve the aesthetics and correct imperfections. These veneers may be placed on either 1-2 teeth or even multiple teeth.

Though porcelain veneers change the shape and appearance of your teeth, there is no change in the functionality. They are undetectable, so unless you tell them yourself, people will not figure out that you have porcelain veneers.

Here at Floss and Gloss Dental, we use porcelain veneers to correct several teeth related issues like:

Benefits and Uses of Dental Veneers

  • Changing shape and color
  • Closing gaps between teeth, especially between the front incisors on top
  • Correcting misshaped teeth
  • Retracting gums to show more of natural teeth
  • Repairing broken or chipped teeth
  • Straightening crooked teeth
  • Whitening discolored teeth

Although getting porcelain veneers placed is a fairly simple process, each case is different and a careful research needs to be done before a final call can be taken. If you wish to get porcelain veneers, you can come down to our Edmonton office and in the first appointment we will conduct a smile analysis for you to understand the steps necessary to get the smile that you are looking for.

The Procedure

First, an impression of your mouth will be taken and a model of your teeth shall be prepared. This entire process of cosmetic imaging takes place in the first appointment itself. In the 2nd sitting, we shall place the porcelain veneers on your teeth and bind them with an adhesive. This adhesive is very strong and ensures that the veneers never come off. This makes the porcelain veneers act just like your natural teeth.

The process is painless for the patient. Once the anesthesia kicks in, you teeth are shaped and the gum may be adjusted depending upon what was decided in the consultation. You continue to be under local anesthesia while the veneers are placed, and our efficient team here at Floss and Gloss continue to monitor how you are feeling at every moment.

Before & After at our South Edmonton clinic

Dental veneers South Edmonton Floss & Gloss Dental


Looking at the great impact that porcelain veneers have made on celebrity teeth, you may want a set of pearly whites for yourself too; but there are certain prerequisites to it. For starters, you must have reasonably healthy gums.

Also importantly, to ensure that your veneers are long lasting, your bite has to be assessed carefully. Most people qualify for it naturally. To find out if you qualify for porcelain veneers or if you need any other alternative cosmetic dental treatments, please visit us.

Even if you do qualify for porcelain veneers, sometimes they may not be the best course of action for you. Depending upon your teeth and gum structure and alignment, you may have a variety of choices to correct your teeth and smile. For example, if it is something simple like a minor chip, it is better to go for dental bonding instead of spending more on porcelain veneers.

On the other hand, if your teeth are too crooked, sometimes orthodontics can present better options. But teeth alignment or smile correction are not the only reasons why people choose porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneer can help you in getting that sparky smile.


How Long Do Porcelain Veneers and Crowns Last?

Porcelain veneers can last very long – decades infact. Ofcourse it depends on facts like how good a job the dentist did and the bonding protocol employed.

If the patient is not a grinder, then we are fairly confident of the long lasting qualities of veneers. We know patients who have been on their first set of veneers for more than 15 years.

Porcelien veneers are smooth and dense, which makes them stable in color It is rare for them to darken over time. Light stains on the surface of the veneers can be polished. Sometimes the underlying tooth can darken a bit and we can try to lighten it with tray bleach, by applying bleaching gel on the back of the tooth with the expectation that it can permeate and whiten the veneered part of the tooth. Replacing veneers is another option.

Most porcelain veneers are color stable and stain resistant, but it helps to maintain good oral hygiene and brush and floss twice a day. Stay away from coffee, tea, red wines. If you consume these beverages, consider using a straw and/or use a water floss and gargle purposefully right after.

Staying away from whitening tooth paste is also advisable as they are often abrasive and can potentially dull the veneer. You could also consider having them polished and cleaned at our dental office periodically to maintain their appearance.

Yes, porcelain veneers can indeed be removed, but, if the tooth was reduced or prepped to place the veneers then you will have to replace them after removal. If the veneers were placed without any prep needed, then you can sometimes remove them, polish the teeth and put them back.

Unfortunatelly there is very little that a patients can do themselves to broken veneers. There is infact a product from Brand C&B that can be used to fix broken veneers but its only a temporary solution, and this product is for use by dentists only. Replacing the veneers is the best solution.

Teeth can look small for various reasons. The teeth may be too narrow, short or it maybe that too much gum tissue covers the teeth.

Veneers can make teeth look larger and longer towards the chewing surface provided your bite allows for the added length. If they have to be longer towards the gums, then crown lengthening is recommended to raise gum level which would also make your teeth appear larger.

If you have fillings or have had root canal therapy done on your teeth, then you could get coverage for veneers. Otherwise, most insurance companies deem them a purely cosmetic procedure that warrants no coverage. We can submit a predetermination to the insurance carrier along with accompanying documentation as to how and why veneers will help your case and hope for the best! But fact is that most insurance companies don’t see value in you having a good smile. This is an investment that you probably have to make for yourself.

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